Our product criteria

RegenMade was created to support the farmers and brands working hard to fix our broken food system and to restore the health of soils, people, animals, and our planet's ecosystems with regenerative agriculture.

There is no single agreed-upon definition or regulatory system for regenerative agriculture, but several regenerative certifications exist to help consumers identify products that use ingredients and materials sourced from regenerative farms.

We want to help you as a consumer understand the differences between regenerative certifications and products so you can choose those that best align with your values and preferences. We're starting with a curated list of products that have received certification from at least one of the well-established and respected organizations.

We understand that many farms with regenerative practices wish to avoid going through extensive and expensive certification processes, so we are working hard to develop a set of criteria to help get their products listed and allow farmers to connect to our community transparently.

Our current product criteria as of April 2024

How did we decide on the approved certifications?

  • All the regenerative certifications we have chosen take a measurable approach to establish whether a farm’s practices are truly regenerating the farm ecosystem. They measure specific markers in a farm’s ecosystem and track them over time to determine whether regeneration has occurred. They also require that a farm be audited at predetermined intervals to determine whether it is trending in the right direction and qualifies for continued regenerative certification. 
  • The certifications have much in common but may vary in whether they require, allow, or prohibit specific farming practices, such as tillage, synthetic inputs (e.g. pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers), or animal integration. 
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See why we chose each certification:
Regenerative Organic Certified
  • The goal of Regenerative Organic Certified® is to promote holistic agriculture practices in an all-encompassing certification that:
    • Increases soil organic matter over time and sequesters carbon below and above ground, which could be a tool to mitigate climate change;
    • Improves animal welfare; and
    • Provides economic stability and fairness for farmers, ranchers, and workers.
  • To achieve Regenerative Organic Certified®, an entity must first hold USDA organic certification or an international equivalent formally recognized by the National Organic Program (NOP). Regenerative Organic Certified® adds criteria and builds off the NOP and equivalent standards.
  • There are three levels of Regenerative Organic Certified®: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Bronze represents the beginning level, and Gold represents the highest achievable level in regenerative organic production. This tiered approach enables producers to adjust and adapt their practices over time and allows for continuous improvement. Annual recertification audits are required at all levels.
    • Bronze level: At least 10% of fiber-or food-producing land within an operation must be certified at initial certification and must reach at least 50% by year five. Alternatively, the certified portion may represent at least 10% of the operation’s revenue derived from food or fiber production.
    • Silver level: At least 50% of fiber-or food-producing land, or revenue from Regenerative Organic Certified® crops, within an operation must be certified at initial certification and must reach at least 75% by year five. Alternatively, the certified portion may represent at least 50% of the operation’s revenue derived from food or fiber production.
    • Gold level: 100% of fiber-or food-producing land of an operation must be certified, representing 100% of revenue derived from food or fiber production.
  • Learn more about the Regenerative Organic Certification
Land to Market
  • All products bearing the Land to Market certification must source their ingredients from farms that have achieved Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV).
  • EOV is a soil and landscape assessment method that tracks outcomes in biodiversity, water, soil health, and ecosystem function (i.e. water cycle, mineral cycle, energy flow, and community dynamics). 
  • EOV does not dictate what practices are allowed or prohibited on a farm, instead only measuring outcomes in the areas mentioned. 
  • The farm or ranch needs at least one year of short-term monitoring that shows positive trending data to receive Ecological Outcome Verification, at which point farms with eligible products have the opportunity to participate in the Land to Market certification. 
  • On a subsequent five-year interval, an accredited EOV Monitor returns to the farm to conduct long-term monitoring. If data confirms positive trends in short-term monitoring then verification is granted or renewed.
  • To learn more about the Land to Market and Ecological Outcome Verifcation (EOV) see these resources: 
  • The Regenified certification uses what they call the 6-3-4™ Standard. It's not a prescriptive to-do list but a framework measuring and assessing farming practices and their impact on ecosystem outcomes.
  • The standard encompasses six principles, three rules, and four ecosystem processes. Using this framework, farmers create a plan that maps out the path to regenerate their farm and quantify their progress along that journey.
    • 6 Principles: Context, Disturbance, Enhanced Diversity, Armor, Living Roots, Livestock
    • 3 Rules: Rule of Compounding, Rule of Diversity, Rule of Disruption
    • 4 Ecosystem Processes: Energy Flow, Water Cycle, Mineral Cycle, Diversity
  • Based on the 6-3-4™ framework, Regenified has a 5-tier ranking system to score and classify where a farm is on its respective regenerative journey. The tier a farm qualifies for is based on a score it receives after an in-field evaluation. In-field evaluations are required annually.
  • A farm cannot remain in a tier for more than 3 years and can advance to higher tiers as quickly as it wants. A farm may use the Regenified™ seal once it scores high enough to qualify for tier 2.
  • To learn more about the Regenified’s 6-3-4™ Verification Standard, see the following resources:
Certified Regenerative by AGW
  • Regenerative Agriculture is a series of agricultural practices implemented by a farmer that leaves the agricultural system in a better state than when they started, or in a state of ecological equilibrium if the maximum living soil health has already been achieved.
  • Beyond a core focus on soil health, Regenerative Agriculture incorporates life-promoting practices throughout the ecosystem, including soil, water, air, cropping systems, livestock, biodiversity, wild harvest, and human/societal factors.
  • Certified Regenerative requires a measurable Regenerative Plan, written by the farmer and/or Qualified Expert and subsequently reviewed by the Review Panel. As every location carries individual characteristics, individual solutions must be tailored for the success of the holding.
  • Beyond the Plan, a farm that strives for certification must also satisfy the Best Practices and Standards in the areas shown below:
    • Soil
    • Water
    • Air
    • Livestock
    • Land Use and Cropping
    • Biodiversity
    • Buildings
    • Human
    • Financial
    • Traceability
  • Incremental and measurable improvement is expected, and if an equilibrium is reached within the soil or system, the steward is expected to maintain it over time. Compliance with the Certified Regenerative standard will be conducted annually.
  • Learn more about Certified Regenerative by AGW
Land Steward Index
  • Every ranch we work with undergoes a rigorous vetting and onboarding process. Before we work with them they sign the Land Steward Index, a mutual pledge committing to honoring regenerative principles of land and animal management and year-over-year improvement.
  • Most ranches we work with carry one of the existing regenerative certifications, including Regenerative Organic Certified, Ecological Outcome Verified, and Regenified
  • In the simplest terms, we are tracking soil health improvements such as terrestrial life, pollinator populations, and biodiversity markers. We look for operations following the six principles of soil health:
    • Soil Armor
    • Minimize Disturbance
    • Plant Diversity
    • Living Roots
    • Integrated Animals
    • Applying Principles in Context
Demeter Certified Biodynamic
  • In day-to-day practice, the goal is to create a farm system that is minimally dependent on imported materials and instead meets its needs from the living dynamics of the farm itself. It is the biodiversity of the farm, organized so that the waste of one part of the farm becomes the energy for another, that results in an increase in the farm’s capacity for self-renewal and ultimately makes the farm sustainable. This requires that, as much as possible, a farm be regenerative rather than degenerative.
  • Biodynamic farming is free of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers in the same manner as certified organic farming. To qualify for Demeter Biodynamic certification, a farm must first meet the requirements of the National Organic Program (NOP). Some inputs permitted by the NOP are not permitted or their use is further restricted by the Demeter Biodynamic Certification. Demeter also requires an eventual reduction of the volume of imported materials necessary to sustain the life of the farm.
  • To receive Demeter Biodynamic Certification the farm must demonstrate compliance with the Biodynamic Farm Standard. The standard includes:
    • Necessary elements of the farm organism (i.e. biodiversity; fertility; disease, insect, and weed control; biodynamic preparations; water conservation; livestock integration; post-harvest handling)
    • Soil fertility management
    • Crop protection
    • Greenhouse management
    • Animal welfare
    • Use of Biodynamic preparations
  • After initial certification, a farm must have its certification renewed every year. Certification is contingent upon a satisfactory on-site farm evaluation during the growing season.
  • Learn more about the Demeter Biodynamic® Farm and Processing Standards
Soil & Climate Health Initiative Verified
  • The Verification Program engages both Farms and companies along the supply chain in actions that support the transition to Regenerative Management on an increasing number of Acres over time.
  • Enrolled Farms are required to:
    • Develop and implement three-year Field Plans that address the SCI Regenerative Pillars (see below).
    • Target continuous improvement over a baseline.
    • Track and report Soil Health Outcomes.
  • Enrolled brands, companies, processors, aggregators and other supply chain actors are required to:
    • Assess the land impact of the agricultural ingredients they source or sell via calculation of an ‘Acre Footprint’.
    • Commit to advancing regenerative transition on acreage equivalent to the Acre Footprint via a participant commitment plan, including by meeting minimum thresholds and milestones.
    • Support Farmer actions on the ground in line with these commitments, including by contributing to SCI's Farm Transition Fund, sourcing, or equivalent methods.
  • SCI Regenerative Pillars:
    • Minimize Soil Disturbance
    • Living Roots in the Ground Year-Round
    • Keeping Year Round Soil Coverage
    • Maximize Diversity Above and Below Ground
    • Reducing Synthetic Inputs
    • Continuous Learning
    • Appropriate Integration of Livestock
  • Farms that meet the requirements of the SCI Farm Standard (verified by a third-party verifier) receive the SCI Certificate of Verification label. The Farm must undergo an annual renewal process to continue to use the SCI Certificate of Verification label. Farms are required to progress to the next Verification Level by the third year (exceptions may be granted). Failure to advance to the next Verification Level may result in removal from the Verification Program.

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