Glyphosate Residue Free

Products Sourced from Regenerative Agriculture

Certification Details

Glyphosate Residue Free certification verifies (through third-party accredited laboratory tests) that products do not contain glyphosate residues.

To be certified Glyphosate Residue Free, a product must have no glyphosate residues down to government-recognized limits of detection (LODs) for food, commodity, and supplement samples (usually 0.01 ppm), and lower levels than default government Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) in the European Union and Japan.

The Glyphosate Residue Free program certification was established to:

  • Reduce Consumers’ risk of exposure to glyphosate residues in foods they consume;
  • Educate Producers about the glyphosate residue profile of their products;
  • Enable Producers to fine-tune production and supply chain strategies to minimize reliance on glyphosate-based herbicides
  • Encourage farmers to reduce their reliance on glyphosate-based herbicides

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