Frequently Asked Questions

Are all Regenerative Certified products also USDA Organic Certified?

No, they are not. The regenerative certifications represented on RegenMade have a lot in common but do vary in some key ways. For example, all products with the “Regenerative Organic Certification” and the "Demeter Biodyamic Certification" must first meet the requirements of the National Organic Program (NOP), which is the organization that develops the rules and regulations for the production, handling, labeling, and enforcement of all USDA Organic products. Alternatively, the other regenerative certifications do not require a product to adhere to the requirements of the NOP or be USDA Organic Certified. To help improve the shopping experience the RegenMade marketplace has filters that allow customers to shop for products based on various health, ethical, and environmental preferences.

Can I just buy products directly from my local regenerative farmer?

Yes, and we encourage you to do so whenever possible. Knowing and supporting your local farmer is a great way to support local farms and get access to amazing regenerative products. We have plans to make it easier for you to find local regenerative farmers, so stay tuned by subscribing to our email list.

How did RegenMade select the products shown on the website?

All products listed on RegenMade have ingredients that have received at least one third-party-certified regenerative certification or have met qualifications established by a brand’s credible self-certifying regenerative program, i.e. Force of Nature’s “Land Steward Index”. There are quite a few certifications available, but in our initial launch phase of RegenMade, we are starting with a small batch of products from a few certifications. We will be introducing many more products and certifications soon!

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

Before modern farming introduced tilling and synthetic chemicals, indigenous cultures used nature's original design to grow food and fibers. Today's industrialized approach has left our soils depleted of nutrients and the essential microbial diversity that makes soil work best for the entire ecosystem. 

Regenerative Agriculture returns us to nature's design to protect and restore soil, heal the ecosystem, and provide clean water, healthy food, equity, and a sustainable climate and future.

Regenerative practices such as no-till/low-till, composting, crop rotation, cover cropping, removing/reducing synthetic farming inputs, and rotational livestock grazing help improve soil health, increase nutrient-density in food, and protect our lands. 

The regenerative community supports each other because we know these efforts help us all. We are excited for the day when regenerative farming is the norm, the regenerative economy touches all parts of our lives, and farmers are recognized for the heroes they are.

Since there is yet to be a single agreed-upon definition or regulatory system for regenerative agriculture, we are sharing the statements here from industry leaders and organizations that we align with.

Why are there several different certifications for regenerative agriculture?

As there is no single agreed-upon definition for regenerative agriculture at this time, there is also no single agreed-upon regenerative certification. The regenerative certifications represented on the RegenMade website share a common goal to quantifiably improve the health of the soil and the surrounding ecosystems. Some of the certifications also explicitly require fair treatment of farm workers and humane treatment of farm animals. We are constantly evaluating regenerative certifications to make sure they legitimately help farmers improve the health of the soil, people, and the environment. Learn more about the regenerative certifications represented on the RegenMade website.

Why can’t I buy products directly from the RegenMade website?

We want to support farmers and brands doing the hard work of producing regenerative products. We don't think the world needs another warehouse to hold a large inventory, especially food products that are perishable. Ideally, you would buy direct from the farm or brand to keep the distribution distances shorter. We have a lot of experience with marketing, so that’s our contribution: to connect consumers to regenerative products, help brands find better ingredients, and help regenerative farmers sell the fruits of their labor. Perhaps we will find a sustainable, efficient way in the future to sell directly in the future.

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Why do some products link to Amazon?

We thought hard about this one. Amazon is the largest marketplace in the world, with over 2 million independently owned stores accounting for over 60% of Amazon's store sales. They help store owners with efficient logistics and getting their products in front of more people. We only list the Amazon products that brands have listed in their Amazon stores. If the brands find value in selling there and many consumers use their platform, we support it. Of course, we always recommend buying directly from their website or farm if possible.

Why should I buy products made with ingredients and materials sourced from regenerative farms?

Products made from ingredients and materials sourced from farms and ranches practicing regenerative agriculture are better for you, the farmer, and the environment. Research has shown that regeneratively farmed foods can be more nutrient-dense than foods grown on conventional farms (source).

By purchasing food and clothing sourced from regenerative farms and ranches you are sending a message to brands and farmers that you support regenerative agriculture and want to see more products made from responsibly sourced ingredients and materials. It's a win-win for you, farmers, brands, and the environment.

Will RegenMade have more products in the future?

Yes! We are always on the lookout for the latest and greatest regenerative products. We're adding lots of regen products each week! Be the first to know about the latest regenerative products by subscribing to our email list!

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