About RegenMade

Our goal at RegenMade is to help scale the adoption of regenerative agriculture by making it easier for consumers to find and shop for products made with ingredients and materials sourced from regenerative farms and ranches. RegenMade’s curated list helps regenerative brands gain access to a larger market of conscious consumers.

Our vision is that by helping regenerative farmers and brands succeed in the marketplace it will encourage other farmers and brands to support regenerative agriculture, ultimately helping to scale the adoption of regenerative farming practices across the globe. 

RegenMade came out of a shared passion and vision between its founders Jess and Dave to support something that has the potential to do so much good in the world. Join us as we help to restore the health of soil, people, animals, and our planet's ecosystems.  

RegenMade.com is community-supported, and when you buy something we recommend after clicking our affiliate links, we may earn a small commission. This comes at no extra cost to you. We have strict criteria and promise to only recommend products or services that meet that criteria (Our Criteria). Your support is greatly appreciated.

dave collins profie

David Collins

Co-founder RegenMade.com, Regenerative Journey Creator, Soil Advocate, User-Centered Product Designer

I'm a user-centered product designer with nearly 20 years of experience creating products that bring beneficial technologies to people.

Since completing the Kiss the Ground Soil Advocate Training at the beginning of 2020 I have been combining my skills as a user-centered designer and my newfound passion for all things regenerative to help tell the story of regenerative agriculture.

My YouTube channel, Regenerative Journey, is where I tell that story by spotlighting innovative regenerative farmers and ranchers working hard to rebuild soil, restore farm ecosystems, and repair our broken food system. The time I’ve spent on the land with those farmers and ranchers, along with countless conversations, books, and articles about the great potential of regenerative agriculture, helped forge in me a desire to continue to play what part I can in advocating for the adoption of regenerative agriculture.  

That journey led me to partner with Jess to create RegenMade.com. RegenMade represents the next step on my path to help scale regenerative agriculture and continue to shine a light on innovative farmers, ranchers, and brands. I’m excited for this new leg of the journey and can’t wait to see where it leads next.

image Jess with Cow friend from a rescue farm

Jess Headlee

Co-founder RegenMade.com, Soil advocate, Branding, Marketing, and Web designer

My love of nature, animals, and nutritious foods led me to watch and be amazed by The Biggest Little Farm and Kiss The Ground films, which sparked my interest in more books and documentaries to learn more.

My family met Dave's family in 2019 and discovered our shared interest in regenerative agriculture while sitting around a campfire. We both participated in Kiss The Ground's Soil Advocacy course and decided to use our skill sets to advocate at scale.

I've built businesses, brands, websites, marketing strategies, and customer experiences for over twenty years. With my and Dave's shared goals, complementary skill sets, and common work ethic, we created RegenMade.com to contribute to soil advocacy and help scale regenerative agriculture.

We're excited to share farms and products that are doing good for the planet, people, and animals.

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