King Arthur Baking Company

Whole Wheat Flour Blend

Non-GMO Verified Project
Product Description

King Arthur's Regeneratively-Grown Climate Blend is an innovative whole wheat blend of unique wheat varieties made in partnership with the Breadlab.

The grains in the blend were grown using regenerative practices that allow farmers to reduce tilling, replant less often, and improve soil health.

Its rich, nutty flavor and tender texture make it perfect for baking bread, muffins, scones, and more.

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Why we recommend this product

Coming soon: We are working hard to bring you custom statements for why we recommend each product on our website. For now, please see our general statement and product criteria page.

The short answer: This product made it to our curated list because it has achieved certification through well-established and respected organizations with its ingredients sourced from regenerative agriculture. FYI: We are currently establishing a way to list non-certified products with transparency about the farm's regenerative practices.

Details & Certifications
King Arthur Baking Company

King Arthur Baking Company has been providing bakers with superior flour since 1790: from Martha Washington's apple pie through the invention of the chocolate chip cookie, from flour in wooden barrels to bags at the supermarket, we've been there. Simply put, King Arthur and American baking have been close companions since the very beginning.

As bakers, we know that everything we put into our craft matters. But it goes much deeper than producing premium ingredients or creating thoughtful recipes. In fact, it stretches well beyond our walls. It includes making planet-forward, people-positive business decisions that benefit all of us, and all who will come after us. It includes listening, learning, and growing. Bake after bake, day after day.

Learn more about:

Regenified's 6-3-4 Verification Standard

Our regenerative certification framework is based on the measurement of practices and outcomes and backed by science through extensive on-field and in-lab testing and data collection. It allows farmers to adopt and scale regenerative practices confidently and enables us to measure, verify, and validate their efforts appropriately. Together, we’re creating greater trust, transparency, and traceability in the supply chain.

Regenified’s solution is not to conquer nature but to collaborate with it.

Regenerative agriculture focuses on restoring the health of the entire ecosystem. It promotes biodiversity, soil health, water conservation, and climate resilience.

Practices used in regenerative farming include minimizing soil disturbance, maintaining living roots, keeping armor on the soil, building biodiversity, and integrating livestock.

The goal is to produce nutritious and high-quality food while also contributing to the overall well-being of the environment, ecosystem, farmers, and our communities.

Non-GMO Verified Project

Non-GMO means a product was produced without genetic engineering and its ingredients are not derived from GMOs. Non-GMO Project Verified additionally means that a product is compliant with the Non-GMO Project Standard, which includes stringent provisions for testing, traceability, and segregation. Only Non-GMO Project Verified products are allowed to use the verification mark. Importantly, the mark includes the Project’s URL, where consumers can look up the Standard to better understand what it means.

A verified non-GMO system supports organic and regenerative agriculture by reducing contamination pressure and protecting the supply of non-GMO seed.

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Why we recommend this product

The short answer: This product made it to our curated list because it has achieved certification through well-established and respected organizations with its ingredients sourced from regenerative agriculture. FYI: We are currently establishing a way to list non-certified products with transparency about the farm's regenerative practices.

In depth: We want to support the farmers and brands working hard to restore the health of soils, people, animals, and our planet’s ecosystems with regenerative agriculture. Currently, there is yet to be a single agreed-upon definition or regulatory system for regenerative agriculture. Unfortunately, some brands have capitalized on that lack of agreement with greenwashing. 

Starting with curated products that have achieved certifications at well-established and respected organizations [link], we want to make it easier for you as a consumer to understand the differences between the certifications and products so you can choose the ones that align with your values. 

We understand that many farms with regenerative practices wish to avoid going through extensive and expensive certification processes, so we are working hard to develop a set of criteria to help get their products listed and allow farmers to connect to our community transparently. 

We would love to hear your feedback. What criteria do you want to see in your regenerative products?

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Transparency, Criticisms & Feedback

We want to make sure that all products listed here align with our community's values. We do our best, but need help from you if you feel that there is something that we should be aware of about their regen ag practices, sources, supply chains, etc.

Send us a message with your feedback about this product! We will use this information to research further and decide whether to post it here or remove the product. Product reviews are welcome too! Thank you!

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