Heirloom Coffee Roasters

Cooperativa Sacacli Coffee

Regenerative Organic Certified
USDA Organic
Fair Trade Certified
Product Description

Flavor Notes: Almond Butter, Cocoa, Floral Finish

Roast Level: Medium

Producer: Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples Sacaclí - Nicaragua

Heirloom Coffee Roasters is proud to announce the first ROC™ certified regeneratively farmed coffee commercially available! This batch is from bag #1 of 275 from the very first ROC™ certified coffee container!

Our roastmasters have roasted this competition-quality coffee to bring out the subtle floral notes and cocoa finish.

At Heirloom Coffee Roasters, our mission is to roast the most ethically sourced coffees around, and regeneratively grown coffee is the most sustainable coffee grown in the world. We're proud to be an official partner of the Regenerative Organic Alliance™.  

Cooperativa Sacaclí is a non-profit organization formed by small and medium producers that work for self-sustainable development, diversifying productive areas through permanent management and capacity building while integrating gender equity. It currently has 537 members, of which 93 are women.

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Why we recommend this product

Coming soon: We are working hard to bring you custom statements for why we recommend each product on our website. For now, please see our general statement and product criteria page.

The short answer: This product made it to our curated list because it has achieved certification through well-established and respected organizations with its ingredients sourced from regenerative agriculture. FYI: We are currently establishing a way to list non-certified products with transparency about the farm's regenerative practices.

Details & Certifications
Heirloom Coffee Roasters


Heirloom Coffee is the first coffee brand to only roast coffees that are cultivated using 100% regenerative farming techniques. A practice that will protect and restore coffee-growing regions for generations.

By 2050, 60% of the world’s coffee-growing regions may be unable to produce coffee. 47% of specialty coffee is grown within these regions. Over-farming, soil degradation, and deforestation will make it impossible to grow the coffee varietals that we love and depend on.

To avoid this catastrophe, the adoption of regenerative agriculture is key to preserving specialty coffee for generations to come.

Regenerative coffee farming practices restore soil health by rebuilding organic material and stop erosion by ensuring biodiversity, mixed crops, and crop rotation. It supports social fairness by ensuring fair pay for farmers, freedom from forced association, and creating a culture around transparency and accountability.

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Regenerative Organic Certified
Regenerative Organic Certified

Regenerative Organic Certified® is a revolutionary new certification for food, apparel, and personal care ingredients. Regenerative Organic Certified® farms and products meet the highest standards in the world for soil health, animal welfare, and farmworker fairness.

With regenerative organic agriculture, we can rehabilitate soil, respect animal welfare, and improve the lives of farmers. We can sequester carbon, build healthier communities, and reap more nutritious and abundant yields.

In practice, regenerative organic agriculture can look like cover cropping, crop rotation, low- to no-till, compost, and zero use of persistent chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

All Regenerative Organic Certified® products and farms must also meet the requirements of the USDA Organic Certification.

USDA Organic

The USDA organic regulations describe organic agriculture as the application of a set of cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that support the cycling of on-farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. These include maintaining or enhancing soil and water quality; conserving wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife; and avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering.

Organic producers use natural processes and materials when developing farming systems—these contribute to soil, crop, and livestock nutrition, pest and weed management, attainment of production goals, and conservation of biological diversity.

Fair Trade Certified

When you see our Fair Trade Certified label on a product, you can trust that it was made according to rigorous standards that protect the livelihoods of farmers, fishers, and other producer communities and the environment.

  • Guaranteed minimum price that acts as a safety net for coffee farmers and producers when the market prices are low.
  • Rigorous Fair Trade Certified standards ensure safe and healthy working conditions, the elimination of forced/child labor, fair and consistent compensation, and environmental protections and product traceability.
  • Producer communities receive additional compensation through Community Development Funds.
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Why we recommend this product

The short answer: This product made it to our curated list because it has achieved certification through well-established and respected organizations with its ingredients sourced from regenerative agriculture. FYI: We are currently establishing a way to list non-certified products with transparency about the farm's regenerative practices.

In depth: We want to support the farmers and brands working hard to restore the health of soils, people, animals, and our planet’s ecosystems with regenerative agriculture. Currently, there is yet to be a single agreed-upon definition or regulatory system for regenerative agriculture. Unfortunately, some brands have capitalized on that lack of agreement with greenwashing. 

Starting with curated products that have achieved certifications at well-established and respected organizations [link], we want to make it easier for you as a consumer to understand the differences between the certifications and products so you can choose the ones that align with your values. 

We understand that many farms with regenerative practices wish to avoid going through extensive and expensive certification processes, so we are working hard to develop a set of criteria to help get their products listed and allow farmers to connect to our community transparently. 

We would love to hear your feedback. What criteria do you want to see in your regenerative products?

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Transparency, Criticisms & Feedback

We want to make sure that all products listed here align with our community's values. We do our best, but need help from you if you feel that there is something that we should be aware of about their regen ag practices, sources, supply chains, etc.

Send us a message with your feedback about this product! We will use this information to research further and decide whether to post it here or remove the product. Product reviews are welcome too! Thank you!

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