Dr. Bronner's

Whole Kernel Virgin Coconut Oil 30 oz

Product Description

Expeller-pressed from carefully dried coconuts, our Regenerative Organic Certified® Coconut Oil has a rich flavor and nutty aroma.

Our farmers in Sri Lanka are implementing regenerative organic prac­tices like mulching, composting and intercropping that enrich the soil, promote biodiversity, and seques­ter atmospheric carbon—building resil­ience in the face of a changing climate.

Our rich and nutty regenerative organic coconut oil is perfect for stir-fries, sautes and baking. Great for body care too—use it to moisturize skin, deep condition hair, remove make up, soothe sunburns & massage sore muscles! "

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Why we recommend this product

Coming soon: We are working hard to bring you custom statements for why we recommend each product on our website. For now, please see our general statement and product criteria page.

The short answer: This product made it to our curated list because it has achieved certification through well-established and respected organizations with its ingredients sourced from regenerative agriculture. FYI: We are currently establishing a way to list non-certified products with transparency about the farm's regenerative practices.

Details & Certifications
Dr. Bronner's

Dr. Bronner's is a family business committed to making socially and environmentally responsible products of the highest quality while dedicating our profits to helping make a better world.

In all we do, let us be generous, fair & loving to Spaceship Earth & all its inhabitants. For We're All-One or None!

Our Cosmic Principles define our most important relationships, and guide us in everything we do, from soapmaking to peacemaking - All One!

OURSELVES - Work Hard! Grow!

OUR CUSTOMERS - Do Right By Customers

OUR EMPLOYEES - Treat Employees Like Family

OUR SUPPLIERS - Be Fair to Suppliers

OUR EARTH - Treat The Earth Like Home

OUR COMMUNITY - Fund & Fight For What's Right!

Learn more about:
Regenerative Organic Certified

Regenerative Organic Certified® is a revolutionary new certification for food, apparel, and personal care ingredients. Regenerative Organic Certified® farms and products meet the highest standards in the world for soil health, animal welfare, and farmworker fairness.

With regenerative organic agriculture, we can rehabilitate soil, respect animal welfare, and improve the lives of farmers. We can sequester carbon, build healthier communities, and reap more nutritious and abundant yields.

In practice, regenerative organic agriculture can look like cover cropping, crop rotation, low- to no-till, compost, and zero use of persistent chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

All Regenerative Organic Certified® products and farms must also meet the requirements of the USDA Organic Certification.

USDA Organic

The USDA organic regulations describe organic agriculture as the application of a set of cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that support the cycling of on-farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. These include maintaining or enhancing soil and water quality; conserving wetlands, woodlands, and wildlife; and avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering.

Organic producers use natural processes and materials when developing farming systems—these contribute to soil, crop, and livestock nutrition, pest and weed management, attainment of production goals, and conservation of biological diversity.

Vegan Certified

The Certified Vegan Logo is a registered trademark for products that do not contain animal products or byproducts and that have not been tested on animals. The certified logo is easily visible to consumers interested in vegan products and helps vegans shop without constantly consulting ingredient lists. The Certified Vegan Logo is currently on thousands of products manufactured by over 1000 companies.

Fair For Life

Fair for Life promotes an approach of Fair Trade that allows all producers and workers who are at a socio-economic disadvantage to access a wider range of social and economic benefits. These principles apply throughout the whole supply chain covering producers, traders, manufacturers, and brand holders.

Fair For Life advantages

  • The possibility to recognize other schemes that can be complementary, enabling synergies and a wider sourcing
  • An independent third-party certification
  • An internationally recognized programme, based on key baseline reference standards (International definitions of Fair Trade, ISO 26000, ILO conventions, social criteria of IFOAM, etc.)
  • An approach of continuous improvement, and the possibility to assess overall performance concerning fair trade
  • The ability to source Fair Trade ingredients from any country (South & North)
Non-GMO Verified Project

Non-GMO means a product was produced without genetic engineering and its ingredients are not derived from GMOs. Non-GMO Project Verified additionally means that a product is compliant with the Non-GMO Project Standard, which includes stringent provisions for testing, traceability, and segregation. Only Non-GMO Project Verified products are allowed to use the verification mark. Importantly, the mark includes the Project’s URL, where consumers can look up the Standard to better understand what it means.

A verified non-GMO system supports organic and regenerative agriculture by reducing contamination pressure and protecting the supply of non-GMO seed.

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Why we recommend this product

The short answer: This product made it to our curated list because it has achieved certification through well-established and respected organizations with its ingredients sourced from regenerative agriculture. (FYI: We are currently establishing a way to list non-certified products with transparency about the farm's regenerative practices.)

In depth: We want to support the farmers and brands working hard to restore the health of soils, people, animals, and our planet’s ecosystems with regenerative agriculture. Currently, there is yet to be a single agreed-upon definition or regulatory system for regenerative agriculture. Unfortunately, some brands have capitalized on that lack of agreement with greenwashing. 

Starting with curated products that have achieved certifications at well-established and respected organizations, we want to make it easier for you as a consumer to understand the differences between the certifications and products so you can choose the ones that align with your values. 

We understand that many farms with regenerative practices wish to avoid going through extensive and expensive certification processes, so we are working hard to develop a set of criteria to help get their products listed and allow farmers to connect to our community transparently. 

We would love to hear your feedback. What criteria do you want to see in your regenerative products?

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Transparency, Criticisms & Feedback

We want to make sure that all products listed here align with our community's values. We do our best, but need help from you if you feel that there is something that we should be aware of about their regen ag practices, sources, supply chains, etc.

Send us a message with your feedback about this product! We will use this information to research further and decide whether to post it here or remove the product. Product reviews are welcome too! Thank you!

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Affiliate Disclosure: RegenMade.com is community-supported and when you buy something we recommend after clicking our affiliate links, we may earn a small commission. This comes at no extra cost to you. We have strict criteria and promise to only recommend products or services that we believe will add value to you. Your support is greatly appreciated.

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